Monday, December 28, 2009

A Lesson Learned While Knitting: W.I.P.s

I had a revelation. W.I.P.s ("works in progress" for the non-knitters) are not bad. They don't mean that I'm impatient or lack the ability to follow-through. They aren't just unfinished sweaters or hats or socks whose only purpose is to force me to buy new needles. I shouldn't be ashamed of them nor should I shy away from them. In actuality, they represent what's in store; what is yet to be. Improvement. Progression. Creation.

Isn't that what we are - works in progress? Aren't we growing and developing? Setting goals, reaching them, and setting new ones? Evolving. Maturing. Thriving. If not, we should be.

As this year draws to a close and you look forward to 2010, do so with expectation. And when the new year rolls in, pick up where you left off and get to knittin'.

Until next time...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Promises Promises

A promise...


That's really the heart of Christmas, isn't it? God made a people that He loved.
He promised a Savior. And He went through whatever was necessary to deliver on that promise. He didn't change His mind or get a better offer or wait for just the right time or forget. He said what He would do and He did what He said. And as a result, He changed the world.

Fast-forward... Thursday, December 24, 2009.

You and I - we're not God. But we do make promises. More than we know. The question is do we keep them? Some are big, like marriage vows. Others are so small that they get lost in mid-air. "Ok, honey, I'll be off the computer in one minute." Either way, a promise is a promise. And a promise kept can change the world.

This Christmas, set your heart on being a world-changer.

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


As I stepped out of my door I was greeted by my oldest son. "Sssshh, we're gonna get Dad," were the hushed words he spoke to me as he held a gloved hand to his lips. A cursory look revealed my three children stockpiling snowballs.

Out comes my husband moments later and you guessed it - he was pummeled. I sat in the car and waited as the battle escalated. Soon, I was joined by the first casualty. My youngest son had managed to lose both boot and sock in 20+ inches of snow. Next, my husband made his way to the car and jumped in. "Thud, thud," went the two snowballs that followed him. We looked at one another and exchanged that "this is the life" look. A slight grin parted his lips as he inhaled and headed back to war.

It's hard being married in 2009. And it's even harder being married with children. Family and relationships are the greatest gifts we have. When life brings snow battles your way, relish them.

Until next time...

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Lesson Learned While Knitting

I fell into the world of knitting on a humble. I put my daughter in a class at a local knit shop and the mothers got to learn free of charge. I knew how to crochet from childhood but never learned to knit. The class was all it took. I was and am forever hooked.

There is a sweet rhythm to knitting that pulls me away from all that bombards my consciousness. It rocks me and soothes me gently like a loving mother. And it is enhanced by the bond of sisterhood that is found among those who share my passion. To knit with others who also enjoy the craft is a welcome respite from the demands of being a wife and mother of three in the 21st century. It is a source of encouragement, learning, and lots of laughter.

It didn't take long before the art began to speak to me. And it does so almost every time I knit. It's more than knit and purl, worsted weight, and circular needles. More than turning a heel, twisting a stitch, or froggin' a hat. It speaks life lessons, "purls of wisdom", truths that become a part of who I am.

Here's one that I'd like to share: Life is a combination of "simple complexities" repeated. All of the beautiful patterns of knitting are created from two stitches worked over and over again: the knit stitch and the purl stitch. Once you get them down you can make anything you want because every other stitch is just a variation.

Isn't that like life? A few "basic stitches" such as treating others the way that you'd like to be treated or putting yesterday in the past can go a long way in creating new and exciting things in your life. Think about it. What simple lessons do you go back to and apply even in the most difficult of circumstances? Is it saying thank you or merely looking someone in the eye and smiling when you greet them? Is it putting things back where you found them, thinking before you speak, or letting by-gones be by-gones?

When you think about it, life really is a combination of "simple complexities" applied repeatedly and over time. Go back to the basics and create something beautiful today.

Until next time...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Did It!!!

You know that thing that you've always wanted to do, said you were born to do, think about doing but never actually get around to? Yes, that thing. Well, I've done it. I'm tired of thinking about it and I'm tired of talking about it. Today is the day that I've taken my writing into the 21st century by creating this blog. I'm ready for the adventure! Thanks for coming along with me.

I'm a native Washingtonian and yesterday we experienced an historic snowstorm. Oh - the beauty and stillness that it created. I love the way that God quiets our lives in such majestic ways. And there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. But if we aren't careful, we'll miss it. We'll miss the experience. We'll lose it among complaints of being cold, or having to shovel. What about the movie that we should have rented or the bread we should have bought? By the way, why is it that snow storms create such a demand for bread and milk?

Anyway, all I want to say is this - don't miss the moment. Take time today and look out your window. Look up at the sky. Inhale deeply. Bring to mind that "thing" that you've always wanted to do. And do it!

Until next time...